How the humble cockroach symbolises Filipinos' hopes

According to a study conducted by the Brussels-based Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED), the Philippines is Mother Nature’s top whipping boy, trumping all other nations on the planet in a “list of countries that are most vulnerable to disasters“. That kind of contradicts the “blessed” place in the heart of the Almighty that we constantly imagine ourselves to be in whenever we emphasise our being the only beacon of Catholicism in a region of infidels and heathen animists.

Consider that, plus looming global “challenges” around sustainable access to safe water supplies and falling rice cultivation yields, and we can appreciate just how vulnerable the Philippines is to catastrophic collapse.

* * *

Firstly, our capability to feed ourselves is dwindling.

We are currently the top importer of rice on the planet. If we are to believe figures indicating that 18 to 25 percent of domestic rice supplies are lost post harvest, a big chunk of the opportunity to save ourselves lies in getting a grip over our pwede-na-yan approaches to doing things. According to a paper written by Professor Prudenciano U. Gordoncillo of the University of the Philippines that, among other things, highlights the above loss statistics…

[…] addressing the efficiency of post-harvest facilities and practices can readily resolve the rice self-sufficiency problem.

Just reducing post-harvest losses by half can potentially wipe out the historic dependence on imports for 10 percent of domestic requirements for the staple.

Are we up to the challenge of achieving operational excellence in supply chain management as far as handling our own food? For a people who traditionally couldn’t even be bothered to take up the use of chopsticks to shove rice grains into our maws (before we learned to do this with spoons), I doubt if such an aspiration can compete with the bigger world of pwede-na-yan mentalities that imprison our minds.

Second, we continue to multiply like cockroaches.

There are 100 million of us now is columnist Rigoberto Tiglao’s lament. Indeed it is something we can only lament. The continued increase in numbers — to the tune of two million wretched souls a year — of the elements of a society not exactly renowned for an exemplary record of contribution to the intellectual, cultural, and economic capital of human civilisation is absolutely no cause for celebration (not unless you are one of the honchos of the much-revered Roman Catholic Church).

The lucidity of Tiglao’s message is brilliant:

[…] our annual population growth rate from 2005 to 2010 of 1.9 percent is the second highest among the 12 biggest countries in the world, following Nigeria’s 2.3 percent, a country which is practically only moving now to the modern era. Just in case the connection between population and economic growth still isn’t clear, we are followed in this listing by Pakistan, 1.8 percent; Bangladesh, 1.7 percent; and India, 1.5 percent. The Philippines’ fertility rate from 2000 to 2010 was 3.4 percent, higher than any Asian country. Those with higher fertility rates are almost all poor African countries.

It is one of the massive weaknesses of the Philippine state-its failure to provide the means for Filipinos to control their lives by being able to choose in the most important decision in a couple’s life, which is having or not having children.

There is hope, however; and it comes in the form of my allusion to the humble six-legged vermin that infests the average Pinoy household. Cockroaches, as the pop-science factoid goes, are renowned for their “resilience” — supposedly a safe bet for a species to survive the two very plausible forms of catastrophe that could wipe out everything humanity has achieved over the last 2,000 years — (1) environmental collapse and (2) warfare involving extensive use of any form of weapon of mass destruction (e.g. nuclear, chemical, or biological).

The image of the humble cockroach crawling out of the rubble is something Filipinos can latch on to as the defining image of “hope” for their future. Quite convenient today, considering we have a President whose Administration shares a similar defining trait.

* * *

The top headline splashed on the Web site of Fortune reads Is this finally the economic collapse? Arianna Huffington of the venerable warns that America may be in danger of becoming a Third World nation.

For those who are in the habit of highlighting the woes of the First World presumably to provide “perspective” around the doom that wretched countries like ours face, I provide the above two to spare you all a bit of googling. Knock yourselves out.

The fact remains that while America’s (and for that matter Japan’s) “impending” slide into the Stone Age is relative, any collapse on the part of sorry-ass countries like ours can only be measured in absolute terms. Americans in a depression may suffer from a loss of dollars to finance their purchases of entertainment systems, the latest Apple trinket, or a holiday in Europe. Many Filipinos, on the other hand, make do with only one meal a day even in good times.

Go figure, as the fact of bozoic news reports concerning the President’s definition of “private time” getting splashed all over our premiere broadsheets all but reflects the moronism of our priorities as a people.

About benign0

benign0 is the Web master of
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58 Responses to How the humble cockroach symbolises Filipinos' hopes

  1. FreeSince09 says:

    Should probably start by giving a lecture on Population and the RH Bill huh?

  2. Ryunken says:

    Let those find greener pasture and not be slackers!

    They be committing the sin of Sloth.

    Dudes… Find work and suck it up and eat what you need to survive. Not what you want!

  3. miriam quiamco says:

    Somehow, it is getting tiresome to point out again and again the need for us to focus on issues and solutions in our politics, rather than the absurd. . . Maybe, we should buy air space on TV, oooops, can’t afford that, only oligarchs have that much cash, to bring focus to issues that need urgent attention of the bumbling president. Tsk, tsk, tsk. . . hope indeed we will be as resilient as cockroaches when a big catastrophe hits, but the nihilist in me says, who cares if all the Filipino race or the whole human race for that matter is obliterated from the face of the earth, and the optimist in me says, we should do something about improving the quality of human life in ways we are able to while still on earth. Can AP make a difference?

    • benign0 says:

      Actually, there really isn’t much we can do about the possibility that all this can go kaput in the event that an asteroid crashes into the Earth or a superbug somehow evolves and annihilates the human race.

      But just because there is a risk that all that will happen does not mean we as a species should stop our efforts to improve our lot.

      As indeed you say, Ms Miriam, while we are still on Earth we may as well make use of that time to focus on earthly aspirations. That’s kind of an otherwise simple principle that a people such as Pinoys who are focused on the “afterlife” cannot seem to grasp. And it makes it doubly hard when a 2000-year-old immensely powerful institution keeps hammering moronic principles in peoples heads that the “meek” will inherit the earth and that the poor are “blessed”.

      There is nothing blessed about being poor and there is no way in hell that the meek will get anywhere in life.

      Both are subliminal messages repeated ad-nauseum to the flock to encourage them to just lie down and stay out of trouble by doing as little as possible in order that their “soul” may remain unstained and prepared for the day that they are “judged” after they kick the bucket.

      Hardly surprising then that we Pinoys continue to see ourselves as some perverse prayerful form in a region of “non-Christians” even as our country degenerates into the hellish place that a certain ex-Commonwealth President envisioned it would turn into under our own watch. 😀

      • Jay says:

        The afterlife doesn’t matter to me. If Christians understand what it is to live for sake of living, they would make much more difference in our planet. The afterlife is one of the biggest escapisms as one lulls themselves to a false sense of security. Instead of taking the initiative to use their minds, their senses to fully grasp and perceive the world and their own time, they would rather see things pass by around them.

        Its funny since if there can be a hell on earth, then it is possible to strive for a heaven as well. Even for everyone. But it doesn’t start if all one does is pray, read a book, go to some building every Sunday and be God fearing. They have to understand that its easier to have faith in people than it is for some undead Jewish zombie. Hell, its easier to have faith in the sun. At least I know what it gives to me.

      • benign0 says:

        Most of us know how playful kittens can get. Sometimes they accidentally scratch you in their playfulness. But would a compassionate person crush a kitten under their foot if they were accidentally scratched by one?

        They say God’s forgiveness is “infinite”. If that were true, then hell should be an empty place.

        Let’s focus on improving our lives while on earth. There’s no point in fearing a place the essence of which contradicts the very God who we fear might put us there.

      • jemon says:

        God’s forgiveness is infinite.. Those in hell are those who cannot forgive themselves, and wouldn’t accept God’s forgiveness.. They actually created their own hell. There is no contradiction there. But if you do not believe, it is alright. I respect you belief as I know you would respect mine.

        Improving our lives on earth is indeed good, but it should not end there as but of course we should improve our lives but not at the expense of others.

      • benign0 says:

        They actually created their own hell.

        Isn’t God supposedly the creator of everything?

        Consider this too: If God created us and everything about us, then it follows that everything we are capable of came from God.

        So if people have the capability to be unable to “forgive themselves”, where did that capability come from? I suppose that came from God as well. The capability of some people to not “forgive themselves” therefore is a creation of God.

        I therefore conclude that hell is the creation of a capability that itself was created by God. THEREFORE, God created hell.

        But then a hell created by God to punish a people who He supposedly has an infinite capacity to forgive DOES NOT MAKE SENSE. That, however contradicts God’s supposed “perfection”.

        And the circle of flawed logic goes on and on and on and on…. like the Energizer Bunny. 😀

      • ChinoF says:

        God’s forgiveness is infinite, but people’s forgiveness of themselves and others tends not to be. Thus, they do create hell… and start it here on earth. That’s why Benign0 is right in focusing improving our lives here on earth. That’s what earns our ticket to heaven or hell, whatever each of them are. We do it right while we’re here, not when already in heaven or hell.

        God is a god of forgiveness, but he is also a god of justice… never forget that. “Forgive, but don’t forget” is an oft-quoted version of the slogan these days. God won’t approve of jailing only the big fish while all the equally guilty smaller fish are allowed to run around (you know what I’m talking about).

        Benign0 also points to one other thing. The Beatitudes have been twisted very often by leftists and other unscrupulous people with sidelined ideas. Even if the poor are blessed, that doesn’t make them any less responsible for their own situation if you know they are responsible for it. If they steal, they get punished just as much as the rich do. The use of the Beatitudes needs to be clarified.

      • jemon says:

        Benigno, so I see.. You say God created everything so he created also the negative things? So perhaps you though God created Evil, right? So when God said, let there be light, he must have created darkness first? hehe.. kakatuwa ano?

        Mr. Benigno naman, lumang-lumang argument na yan. I leave it to you to find the counter arguments to your own argument. And I am sure you have a lot of other questions. I suggest you search for the answers to them first, coming from both sides. And then weigh them and choose which you think is better. In the end, I am sure you will realize, no matter how high your IQ is, you still really do not know for sure.

        In the end you will realize, it could be blind faith believing there is God. But it takes the same blind faith to believe there is none.

      • BongV says:

        in the end you realize you don’t know. religion imagines what it knows and presents it as truth. logic imagines, tests, validates – and if proven wrong – rejects – the notion. so NO, it takes thinking to believe there is none.

      • jemon says:

        Hi Mr. Chino,

        You said..
        God’s forgiveness is infinite, but people’s forgiveness of themselves and others tends not to be. Thus, they do create hell… and start it here on earth. That’s why Benign0 is right in focusing improving our lives here on earth. That’s what earns our ticket to heaven or hell, whatever each of them are. We do it right while we’re here, not when already in heaven or hell.

        it is a nice way of disagreeing with Mr Benigno.. hehe..

      • ChinoF says:

        Mr Jemon, even if we don’t seem to see eye to eye on the form, we do so on the substance. 😉

        Oh, just saw this in my lines:

        If they steal, they get punished just as much as the rich do.

        must be: If they steal, they must get punished just as much as the rich do.

        Because this often happens…

        Poor who steal are no longer blessed…

      • NFA rice says:


        Evil is the absence of good. Maybe God is not omnipresent nor omnipotent after all.

      • Hyden Toro says:

        The Bhagavad Gita, the Hindu Holy Book teaches: God, is the same as good. There is not difference between, God and good. The Gospel of Mary Magdalene, which was found in the Cave of Quamran, near the Dead Sea; teaches also: God is good. There is no difference; between God and good. Mary Magdalene was branded by a Pope as a Prostitute…to blot out her works as an Apostle of Jesus Chirst.

        The Holy Koran from the Islamic religion teaches:

        “Whatever good, comes from God. Whatever evil, comes from you.”

        This will set your mind to think clearly, between the differences of good and evil…

  4. miriam quiamco says:

    You always have a very interesting intellectual spin on the simplest idea. I want to believe that as a people, we should be able to transcend this superstition, the belief and focus on the after-life with the right education. But it seems the prevailing culture is that what they call “the culture of poverty”, even the intelligentsia could be persuaded to vote for a non-performing politician, a nondescript politician according to the Economist out of desperation, and perhaps because of Emo-politics. Could the same superstitious culture/culture of poverty be responsible for the gullibility of the so-called intelligentsia. If you look at the supporters of the current president, they are not all from the rabble, there are middle class, and well-educated among them. Where did our educational system go wrong? And I tend to think that with economic development and scientific education, we will be able to fight the brainwashing of the Catholic Church.

    I tried discussing with my niece the damaging influence of the Catholic Church on our society and culture, and she said, well, let the Catholic Church have its say, it is the fault of the people if they get swayed by the opinion of the church. The church is entitled to its own opinion too, but you are right, it is way too influential, and especially for the poor who go to church every Sunday and give whatever meager funds they have, they tend to listen to the teachings and follow them literally. Why are the elites in the country the biggest patrons of the Church when they are supposed to be economically well-off and are well-educated? This class is actually the most reactionary element in our society, thus, the RH bill will never see the light of day in congress, the very people in congress who come from elite backgrounds are the ones that are swayed by the arguments of the church against the RH bill. I don’t even think it is out of political calculations that they are against it, it is truly their religious convictions that the RH bill is on the side of the devil. . .

    This brings us to the conclusion that we need to wrest power from the elite, the religious captives of the church, power should be transferred to the non-religious fanatics, those who are able to use their education and knowledge and can separate state and church in their legislative agenda. Ohhhhh, I don’t know, I am tired of thinking about the Philippines, as my co-blogger from FV said, kapoy kaayo ang politics sa Pilipinas, we blogged extensively together over at FV, defending the same political positions, we are both Gibo supporters, where did all that blogging lead to. . .

    • jemon says:

      I am not sure why some people keep on saying that the Catholic Church is that influential. Kapag botohan nga, hindi nananalo yung kanilang manok.

      Sometimes, it is quite easy to blame the church because it wouldn’t retaliate on the person. Hindi kailangan ng intelligence nor bravery. Unfortunately for those who are seeking for solutions, such as I thought the owner of this website is, the blame-the-church mentality actually distracts everyone.

      • Hyden Toro says:

        The AP Bloggers are not blaming the Church. The Church agendas must be up to the times,that is: our times. The Church had its glaring mistakes like: the teachings that the World is Flat; the Inquisitions; the persecution of Witches; the support of Oligarchies/Aristocrats; Colonial Spanish Friars Abuses;selling of support to Political Candidates; Liberation Theology; Psuedo-Democracy Revolutions, like EDSA,etc…We look forward to the time that the Christian Church will truly live up to the teachings of Jesus Christ and its Prophets. Practicing what they are preaching…from there, we will have no quarrel, and we will all live in peace…

      • Jay says:


        First off the views of Miriam do not reflect the views of the site. Everyone here here has different take on the Catholic church in the Philippines. Second of all, the church IS held accountable for certain things:

        1) Their inability to do their job. What is their job exactly? Save souls. I’m surprised they aren’t more dedicated with that and being an more active presence in the communities and being more creative in presenting to the public about programs that benefit the people.

        2) Their unnecessary interference with politics. Kapag botohan, THEY DO exert their influence! Otherwise people would scoff at their petty endorsements or politicians wouldn’t care about their opinion regarding laws and what not. I don’t know what Philippines you are living in, but this has been happening for over decades now.

        In fact, Cardinal Sin and his group had a hand in one of the laws in the 1987 constitution that contributed to the rampant population growth of the country.

        3) Unnecessary interference #2: the elections. If they weren’t so influential, they wouldn’t have a care as to whom they back up in politics. That isn’t their world. But why is the Philippine Catholic church and the Yellow campaign are almost linked together, much like in Cory’s time?

        4) And as Benigno stated below, why are even the Philippine’s smartest still fall prey to the Catholic dogma and can’t learn to draw the lines where it should matter? Especially when it comes to the benefit of society as oppose to the benefit of an 2,000 year old tax free institution?

        If anything Jemon, you are distracted by what religion has been doing, not what it is intended to do.

      • benign0 says:

        What is their job exactly? Save souls. I’m surprised they aren’t more dedicated with that and being an more active presence in the communities and being more creative in presenting to the public about programs that benefit the people.

        This is spot on, Jay. The Church’s involvement in politics and presuming to meddle there on behalf of the people actually reflects their FAILURE to impart the proper values in the “souls” of their flock. If they were truly successful at this ‘mission” — their “job” — then our politics, through the VOTE and the way politicians are routinely engaged, would reflect this character.

      • jemon says:

        Mr Jay, Ikaw yata ang naliligaw, hindi ako. The last time nanalo ang pambato ng simbahan, kung masasabi nga nating nanalo eh panahon pa ni Cory. At lahat naman ng tao noon hindi lang katoliko kumampi kay Cory. ewan ko lang ikaw? Unless na ibig mong sabihin, si Ramos, Erap at Noynoy e kinampihan ng simbahan. E kung ipilit mo yan, hindi nga tayo magkakaintindihan!

        Sorry, Hyden, ang dating sa kin, kahit yung article ni Mr. Benigno e puro parinig sa Catholic Church. So hindi biniblame? Come on, tell that to the marinos!

        Mr. Benigno, are you Catholic? Kung hindi, medyo alam ko na ko na where you are coming from. Ang tanong, do you find faults in other religion as well? Wala yata ako nakita dito. Siguro Catholics lang ang may kasalanan kung bakit nagkaganito bayan natin.

        The fact is, there are so many Catholics also trying to make good of our country. Maaaring nagkakamali pero many are trying their best. Kung aawayin natin sila, pati ang kanilang dogma, e siguro kailangan sabihin nyo yan sa Papa. Habang inaaway nyo sila, naghihirap pa rin mga kababayan natin. Hanapin na lang siguro natin kung saan magkakatulungan, palagay nyo?

      • Jay says:


        At lahat naman ng tao noon hindi lang katoliko kumampi kay Cory.

        True, however the point is the majority did. They put Cory and the church together like its one big, happy marriage. That is the fact you seem to not want to accept since you want to feed me these other things that aren’t part of my argument. Besides, the church certainly doesn’t need to officially endorse para sabihin na sila ang pambato nila. Its all about taking sides and you’ve seen, when called for they will take the sides of politicians for their sake.

        The fact is, there are so many Catholics also trying to make good of our country. Maaaring nagkakamali pero many are trying their best.

        And so many other religions as well. But at least they know where to stick their business and do what is in the best interest of their group, NOT playing political power games. The Catholic church itself is rife with its own politics.

        Habang inaaway nyo sila, naghihirap pa rin mga kababayan natin.

        Awww, so are you protecting the church because you see them as infallible as your Cosmic Jewish Zombie? Did you ever wonder if they were contributing to the problem? Oh of course not! Otherwise it would ruin your standing with said aformentioned zombie in your placement for the afterlife! How many Hail Maries would you need to redeem yourself THEN!

        Naghihirap ang mga kababayan dahil din sa maling patakaran at pagintindihan ng sociedad, na bilang tinuruan din ng Catholic Church. God fearing? Anu ang binigay nun kung di isang sociedad na punong puno ng mga tao na complacent?

      • jemon says:

        Jay, true ba ikamo? OK, good.

        Pero sana you stopped there na lang…

        You said:
        the church certainly doesn’t need to officially endorse para sabihin na sila ang pambato nila. Its all about taking sides and you’ve seen, when called for they will take the sides of politicians for their sake.

        hehe.. if you think there is nothing wrong here, then I have nothing more to say to you.

      • Jay says:


        Philippines is 90% Roman Catholic. The ten percent don’t matter considering their lack of INFLUENCE to the government and to Cory. That is my point if you still want to cherry-pick that statement of mine.

        And its good you avoided the last part. I was sure you wouldn’t have an answer. Don’t respond to facts with emotional pandering.


        Just saying if the Catholics were doing a good job saving souls as Jemon is trying to prove (with little to no evidence of active working ministries), then it wouldn’t be an issue considering we’d all be aware of it. The Red Cross of the Philippines has done more for the common good of the people than the institution of the Roman Catholic Church of the Philippines.

      • ulong pare says:

        … daaang

        @jemon… ay sus ginoo…

        … what’s the church sole purpose? a spiritual, moral and morale watchdog… right? or left?

        … just lookit at 80M flips… do you consider them as spiritual? are they morally upright? or morality conscious?

        … for starters, the church itself condone sex with li’l boyz and gurlz… pedopiles in their ranks…

        … padre damasos are social butterflies with flipland’s ladrones garapales…

        … we all know that the traposakals,, ie. ate glo&familia ganids, prez gung gongs&magnanakaws, etchastera, etc… are all magnanakaws…

        … but…. but… but…. once abuloy are dropped in the cup, bendisyon kabi-kabila… and voila… pure once again to steal another day… bwi hi hi hi hi hi pwi… :mrgreen:

        … let’s prey… ama namin… ave ginoong maria… santa ate glo… santa ate cory…. give us this day our daily pan de sal with star margarine… 😳

      • jemon says:

        haha, ulong pare, pare ka pa naman.. pero hindi mo pala kilala ang catholic church. Puro negative lang ang nakikita mo. Wag mo sabihin sa kin graduate ka ng Catholic school. Big time joke na yan. hehe..

      • ulong pare says:

        … daaang

        @jemon… ay sus ginoo… wake up naman naman namannnn…

        … flip katok likos ooopsie katolikos is pekeng relihiyon…

        … wala na nga kayong malamon, allah eh, puro pa kayo dasalsal…

        … let’s prey… ama namin…. ave ginoong maria…. secula secolorum.,.. santa ate glo… santa ate cory… give us this day our daily pan de sal with star margarine… amennnnnnnnnnnn…. :mrgreen:

        … kiss the rebulto de gung gongs… 😳

      • jemon says:

        Mr. Pare, …and you are adding something to the discussion here?

    • benign0 says:

      @ Miriam: To the Church’s credit, it’s survived and thrived for hundreds of years so I doubt if a weak society such as ours will be of any match to its powerful influence any time soon. The key as always is not just education but encouragement of critical thinking.

      There are so many educated people in the Philippines who fall for the flawed logic that is rooted in Catholic dogma. Despite the most brilliant graduates populating our key government posts, we are still a society where all the wrong arguments win. So obviously, education alone is not enough. It boils down to how our brains are fundamentally wired. And I think many Pinoy brains are quite simply wired the wrong way and thus unable to regard the modern world with the right approach.

      • miriam quiamco says:

        BenignO, it seems to me that the survival of the church is largely due to the over population of impoverished countries. In Europe where nation-states have had economic development for decades, the influence of the church is eroding. Economic success has proven that the separation of the powers of state and church works to empower the masses. Hmmm., critical thinking is something that is not only scarce in our country, this is true also in many advanced societies, but is probably a liability in our country where we have weaker institutions. It is the institutional success that accompanies economic development which is responsible for secularizing the minds of people in economically advanced societies. . .

      • ChinoF says:

        Hmm, overpopulation gives a new meaning to the slogan, “the bigger they are, the harder they fall.” So true when the large population leads to less education, less critical thinking, much poverty, and a fallen economy…

  5. UP nn grad says:

    Granting the citizenry the right to elect their leaders was supposed to give Filipinos a means to shape their destiny.

    • mel says:

      This right to elect leaders is being abused in this country. Those who are popular but not competent make it to the top positions. It is about time to make it a privilege. Go for Charter Change – Parliamentary System!

      • Miriam Quiamco says:

        I agree Mel, there is really no other way to counter the rule of the mob in our country, with the ignorant mob, the likes of FPJ and Erap could easily get elected and when there is a moral crisis in leadership such as how the PGMA’s was perceived, even the intelligentsia turns desperate and elects and idiot. Its either showbiz politics or medieval politics that prevails with the current system of government in our country. With a parliamentary form of government, there is going to be no focus on personality, issues will be the focus of political debate and how the chosen leader could implement the plan of action to solve problems facing the nation by his party.

        I really think only a parliamentary system of government could save us from our current woes. Would you please continue sending those letters to your congressman. And thanks for being politically active. Actually, I have a high school classmate who is now a congressman, time to write him a letter, he is on my FB account.

      • mel says:


        I appreciate your concern, Miriam! I think we have to let those lawmakers know how some people think on how to improve our situation. Let them know that there are blogs like AP where they can find ideas and solutions. I know they have their staffs who research for them. Perhaps, they will rethink, who knows?

        I have to warn you though. I complained a lot on wrongdoings (extortion, corruption, harassment etc.) through letters while I was in Albay but I had to leave the place to save my life. These local politicians will send you their goons and you will be left alone. No police can ever help or save you. They just do not come when you call them. You have to do the survival all alone.

        Here in my new place of residence, they are not “amused” when I complained (LTO or City Hall corruption). The same tunes in their written replies – “we are looking after the problem”, just to comfort one but nothing has changed. Am thankful though, that I do not receive death threats. Not yet. :mrgreen:

        Sometimes I do feel helpless and tired going against the tide, but somehow, after some days, I find my motivation again. I think we should. I read about your comment that you are getting tired to think about the Philippines. That is normal. I know that you will come back again and fight. So keep on blogging, Miriam!

      • BongV says:

        the long-term solution to countering the mob is thru education = you just have to persevere and be more aggressive in generating support for education – not miseducation. that means more resources for schools, classrooms, teachers – rebuild the nation from the ground up – students with strong values, a sense of fairness, an attitude driven by merit and excellence.

  6. J.B. says:

    My old neighbor has this timeless advise to the young ones in town to shore up their hopes:

    “Strive to position yourself to gain employment abroad. And while there don’t ever think of coming back.”

    • mel says:


      I did that but I went back. You can live worry-free in a progressive country but when you are concerned, your conscience will nag on you. There is no place like home and there are things we can do and change in this country. We should not give up letting the Oligarchs and those greedy politicians rule the Philippines. They are not immortals and the heirs, I believe, are more open-minded and less greedy than the fathers. One day, they will commit mistakes investing their money thus their power.

      Every land has its momentum, and we have to prepare for that.

      • jemon says:

        Now that is one positive comment.. Hindi puro reklamo lang, we need to take responsibility to what is happening in our country. I salute you Mr./Ms. Mel.

      • Jay says:

        You misintrpret reklamo with giving accountacy and responsibility to things.

        Humans have the capability for the greatest good and the worst of evil.

      • mel says:


        No salute, please! I wrote that to motivate myself. It is a big challenge for me and for you to take responsibility. It is not only the Oligarchs. Do whatever you can, but do you know how hard it is to change the political views and fields in the Philippines, when you go against the platforms of political dynasties? The link below will tell you.

        Here are some excerpts: “Unbroken Reign

        No other clan comes close to the Payumos of Bataan in terms of an unbroken hold over a post.

        By 2013, the Payumos would have held power over the mayoralty post of Dinalupihan, Bataan by almost half a century, 49 straight years since 1964.

        Areas with most number of long-reigning political families

        Ilocos Sur is the province with the most number of long-reigning political clans — nine.

        Ilocos Norte and Pangasinan are next with eight families each. Cebu (including Cebu City) and Davao del Sur (including Davao City) are tied with five families each.

        La Union, Leyte and Rizal each have four families who have ruled for decades. Metro Manila has seven.

        Political families ruling for more than 30 years

        At least six families, including the Cojuangcos, will rule uninterrupted for more than 30 years at the end of their fresh mandate. All of them are based in Luzon.”

        Source: Written by Karen-Tiongson Marina for GMA News Research

  7. Hyden Toro says:

    The COCKROACH, the true one; not the two legged ones, that infest our Batasan Pambansa and Malacanang Palace. is a creation; that has survived, even surpassing the extinct Dinosaurs. This creature multiplies as fast as the Filipinos. However, it eats everything: wastes, papers, woods, rotting flesh, grasses, plants, etc…it is an ultimate scavanger….it can run fast; it can jump fast; and its antena is very sensitive for its survival. It can also live in all kinds of places.

    It is sad that those who have less in life; that is, Filipinos living in poverty. Are the ones having a lot of children. Just go to far flung Barangays. Or, in the far flung seashores, in our country. You will see families having: six, seven, eight…or more children. While most of our food producing lands are in the hands of the Oligarchs; like the Hacienda Luisita of Noynoy Aquino; and the Haciendas of his political cronies. I’ve been pointing out again and again, to free these lands. Let the tenants/tillers own them, and take care of these lands.

    There is no comprehensive Food Production and Food Self Sufficiency Program in Noynoy’ Aquino’s agenda. They are more concerned about the rampaging Libido and Hormones of his whore-sister, Kris Aquino.





    • bokyo says:

      next please.

    • danimoth says:

      obvious troll is obvious

      Suliranin talaga ang masyado mabilis na pagdami ng tao sa bansa natin. Bagamat wala akong mga datos upang patunayan ito, mapapansin ito sa pang-araw araw na buhay. Karamihan ng kilala kong mga kapus-palad, katulad ng kasambahay namin, ay may 3 o mas marami pa na anak, samantalang ang mga maharlika kong kaklase, katrabaho at pinsan ay kadalasang may 1-2 anak lamang. Ang ibig sabihin nito ay kahit dumadami ang populasyon natin, hindi dumadami ang mga mahuhusay (skilled, hehe) na magiging kasapi ng (workforce) ng hinaharap.

    • NFA rice says:

      It seems the macaca escaped its cage. Must be Abnoy moonlighting as a guard at the zoo.

    • Jay says:


      Pahiwatag na ayun talaga ang katungkulan ng problema na pinag uusapan sa diskusyon na ito.

  9. ChinoF says:

    The cockroach is a true, though sad, analogy. It’s like the Filipino standing on the ground watching the plane plunge down at him.

    “Hey, Filipino! Jump aside so you won’t get hit by that plunging plane.

    Filipino: “No, let it hit me. With God’s grace, I will survive it.”


    • benign0 says:

      @ ChinoF, Yeah, it’s really a cop-out.

      (1) If something good happens, it’s “by God’s graces”.

      (2) If something bad happens, it’s “God’s will” at work.

      What’s missing in the above equation?

      Simple: personal accountability.

      • Kahlil says:

        …and then they tell you:

        ‘god works in mysterious ways my son’


      • Aegis-Judex says:

        There’s a term for that: PSG. PaSag-da sa Ginoo. Since God gave us a brain to think, why not put it to proper use?

      • Jay says:

        They also told me God is all knowing, loves his creations like his children. But the really bad ones get sent to hell to suffer for the rest of eternity.

        So God chooses sides whenever he feels like it and punishes by means of death because he loves us so much. Oh and he only loves you if you follow his doctrine. So much for unconditional love eh? See I like how they are black and white over a concept like good or evil but assent to the boundary of logic with the concept of chance and accidents with a cop out such as mysterious ways.

      • NFA rice says:

        F*cked up morality. Suffering is a virtue as long as it’s the others that suffer. Moral lecturing is easier when done from the ivory tower. Go ask Tita Cory and HLI farmers.

      • jemon says:

        Teka boss, ano nangyari sa.. “Nasa Diyos and awa, nasa tao ang gawa”?

        If you say something stupid and then conclude that that is stupid, do you actually need brains to do that?

      • Jay says:


        Well see, the problem now is acknowledging the facts and reasoning as truth. There are people who say something stupid and will conclude they were misinformed. The same who expect something from God but they don’t expect anything from themselves. I figure the omnipotent being also has a schedule to set and has a master plan and unfortunately for many, their hopes and prayers aren’t going to be answered in trying to interfere with said plan.

      • ChinoF says:

        How would one know what stupid is without a brain to understand the concept of stupid with? And given that a stupid person has no brain, I guess we can give the guy admitting that he’s stupid half a brain. 😛

  10. manzi says:

    a roach lives in a dump and thrives.. i’m torn between taking pride in our resilience or be ashamed of the analogy.

    heh.. roaches being governed by crabs.

  11. concerned_citizen says:

    Let the Church continue to preach to the ignorant who as I write here now are mating like rabbits. Population control please.

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